3 tips on how to arrange a good grill party

As summer approaches, many good folk eagerly look forward to bright days, warm afternoons, and casual grilling. In the dark winter months, it’s important to endure, and always keep in mind that the season isn’t unending, that what awaits after the cold is warmth and good times. But perhaps you’re not the most experienced grillmaster, or maybe you’re not the best at throwing together a summer shindig? Fear not, for this article will strive to better expand your knowledge on these backyard shenanigans, and help you on your way to become well versed in what makes a great grill party.


Any good grill party is planned in advance. Though a spontaneous summer get-together has its virtues, it lacks structure and organization, which can lead to a mess. So before greenlighting anything, make sure everything is in order. Make sure you’ve bought enough food and that it is prepared, encourage guests to bring side dishes, have enough seats, also check if you have enough propane or coal, and finally that the place is well lit – summer nights, even if bright to a certain point, do get dark into the early hours.

Food is at the core

Now that everything is prepped. It’s time for the main event, namely the food. Depending on your region of the world, grilling sports a wide array of gastronomic experiences, and varies from place to place, although some familiar and common dishes are to be expected no matter where you go (In the Netherlands they favor pork chops and meatballs on a stick, as an example). No matter what is tradition in your corner of the world, make sure you have meat alternatives for those of the vegetarian or vegan persuasion.


What’s a good yard party without some games? They’re fun and bring joy to both participants and onlookers. Once again, it varies what games are played depending where in the world you are. There are a multitude of these games to choose from, and many depend on what company you keep, as an example, beer pong is very popular among the youth, though isn’t really fit to play around children. A favorite in the States is Horseshoes, where, as you guessed it, a horseshoe is aimed and tossed towards a stake in the ground, with the goal being to encircle the stake. In the Netherlands however, they enjoy games such as Pin the Tail on the Donkey, or Egg Walking, even Sack race.

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