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First frost of the season measured in Deelen, Gelderland

Temperatures at ground level dropped below freezing locally for the first time this autumn, Weeronline reported. At the Deelen measuring point (Gelderland), the temperature close to the ground fell to -0.2 degrees.

The first autumn frost came later than usual. On average, the first ground frost after summer occurs on September 28. Last year, the first after-summer minus temperatures was even recorded on September 20, according to the weather office.

Like all other years since temperature measurements started, there was no ice on the ground at an official measuring point anywhere in the country between July 20 and August 21. The earliest frost on the ground was measured on 22 August 1973. The ground frost was also “exceptionally early” in 1993 when temperatures dropped a few tenths of a degree below zero in several places in the country.

For the past five years, the first ground frost after the summer happened in September. IN 2017 and 2016, like this year, it only happened in October. In 2015, the first frost on the ground occurred right around the average, on September 27. But in 2014, it did not freeze until record late in the autumn. Then, temperatures in Eindhoven dipped half a degree below zero on November 5.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/10/16/first-frost-season-measured-deelen-gelderland First frost of the season measured in Deelen, Gelderland

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