Cold Calling for B2B Sales: How to Overcome Call Reluctance

We’ve been there.

You stare at the list of cold prospects in front of you and simply can’t bring yourself to pick the phone.

A wave of anxiety washes over you as your mind plays out different rejection scenarios.

The intensity is so gripping that you turn your focus to other (menial) tasks rather than make the calls.

Another day goes by, no cold calls made, no meetings set up, no targets met. Performance declines, numbers drop, and management notices.

Call reluctance is real and no amount of threats or fear-mongering from management can magically turn it around.

How do you overcome it?

We share tips to help you conquer call reluctance along with several other digital marketing strategies teams use to improve sales numbers.

1.   Conquering Call Reluctance to Make Cold Calls

For a strategy that’s been around for decades, you would think cold calling would be a walk in the park by now.

Only it isn’t.

Every day, salespeople around the globe deal with call reluctance.

You know you should make cold calls, but overwhelming anxiety sets in and it’s game over.

It’s not just the numbers that fall, the company could drop you too.

So before things take a turn for the worse, let’s look at possible solutions for overcoming call reluctance.

2.   LinkedIn Marketing

Thanks to its formal image, LinkedIn is a popular social channel for professionals across all industries.

With more than 750 million members, four out of five people on LinkedIn drive business decisions.

And rightly so, since 63 million members are decision-makers, 10 million are C-level executives, and 180 million are senior-level influencers.

You’re literally coming face to face with audiences that influence purchase decisions.

Do you need more reasons why you should expend some effort on LinkedIn marketing? Here you go:

3.   Email Marketing

Approximately 306.4 billion emails were exchanged in 2020 and that number is expected to rise to over 376.4 billion in 2025.

So even as marketers explore other communication channels (like social media) to reach potential customers, emails and by extension email marketing still carry weight.

Email marketing creates an effective channel for speaking directly to your audience.

You provide information that creates pain point awareness and then carry your audience through the buyer’s journey.

Here are tips for putting together a useful email marketing strategy:

4.   Social Media Marketing

Social media provides an informal way for you to communicate with customers—potential or existing. You get to promote your brand, the solutions you offer, and keep in touch with customers.

Customers, on the other hand, can view your content or check out your offerings without feeling pressured to make a purchase.

Here are some considerations:

5.   Video Marketing

Here are a couple of cool facts about the video.

84 percent of audiences who watch brand videos end up buying products/services. A further 96 percent turn to explainer videos to know more about products/services.

Videos are immersive, juicy, and far more user-friendly compared to most content formats.

So it goes without saying that video marketing is central to digital marketing. It boosts brand awareness, educates audiences, and encourages people to buy.

The facts are right there.

Here’s how to use video to build relationships and create excitement around your solutions:

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