Cucumber time: Should there be English on The Hague’s public transport?

In the UK,  the news media  often call this time of year  “cucumber time” ,  as  often  frivolous news stories  start appearing  as major news stories.   In the past week, posters have been appearing  in The Hague with the  text “HTM Geen Engels op bus and tram!” which translates to “HTM no English on bus or tram!”.  The organisation  responsible for  these posters is the Amsterdam based Stichting Taalverdediging (Language Defense Foundation)  who according to their website are committed to removing  English from public transport in The Hague and its suburbs.

Their grievance is that  at every tram and bus stop, the speaker on the audio tape  mentions  the stopping place and information about the area, not only in Dutch, but also in English. The latter preceded by the words ¨NEXT STOP¨, every time!

According  to  Stichting Taalverdediging this really unbearable, not only for the Dutch passenger  but also for the tram and bus drivers, who have to listen to this all day long.  Apparently  it is  making  tram and bus drivers  go crazy,  Stichting Taalverdediging has  heard from some affected  HTM employees.

Therefore  Stichting Taalverdediging is organizing a petition against this excessive use of the English language.   They  state  that serving tourists is not wrong, but there are limits to how far you should go.  HTM has  too far and  they  will try to change their minds with the help of a petition.

By the way, since the 15 April, 28 Haagse residents have  signed the petition. Cucumber time: Should there be English on The Hague’s public transport?

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