According to a press release, the University of Delft solar car team has once again won the week-long Sasol Solar Challenge, becoming a four-time champion of the event.
The Brunel Solar Team claimed victory by placing second on day seven of a challenge involving nine solar car teams from South Africa, Belgium and the Netherlands. Her team leader Sanne Vilters called the 2022 competition “tense”. This was as Brunel competed against other top solar car teams and newly introduced challenges. “We managed to push through and work together as a team,” he says Vilters.
The eighth day of the event concluded at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, South Africa. The team drove an estimated 2,500 cars from start to finish, according to the Sasol Solar Challenge.
The Brunel Solar team from Delft University in the Netherlands has once again won the #SasolSolarChallenge after a week-long battle between the team and other top solar car teams. Formerly known as Nuon/Vattenfall for the Brunel Solar Team, he is now his four-time champion of the Sasol Solar Challenge and holds the title four times in a row. Read more: @sasolsa #SolarChallenge #SolarCar #STEM #RenewableEnergy #Technology # FutureMobility #ACDC #aQuellè #CarnivalCity #CitizenWatchesSA #CityOfCapeTown #CSIR #CTrack #DHLGlobalForwarding #EuroSteel #MonateCoffee #Potensa #RedStarRaceway #Solareff #VAWaterfront
Contributor sasol solar challenge Friday, September 16, 2022
According to the release, Sasol Solar Challenge owner and director Robert Walker said: Over eight days, it introduced engineering skills and talents to different communities across South Africa while spreading awareness of the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and sustainable transport. ” Delft University Solar Car Team Wins South Africa Solar Challenge