Dutch consumer body checks in from Ryanair for greenwashing

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Irish low-cost airline Ryanair has pledged to communicate more clearly about the carbon offset scheme it offers to travelers who book online, Dutch consumer authority ACM said on Friday.

The change comes after ACM warned the airline that it may be making misleading sustainability claims about its CO2 compensation scheme and briefed other European consumer groups. I was.

Ryanair used claims like ‘fly greener’ […]’, a statement that consumers can actually give the impression of being ‘greener’ with Ryanair, ACM said.

“Companies must be honest and clear about the sustainability claims they make. Even with CO2 compensation schemes, flying remains a highly polluting method of travel,” said a spokesperson. said Edwin Van Houten of

“Airlines may offer CO2 compensation schemes, but they cannot give the impression that CO2 compensation makes flying sustainable.”

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/01/dutch-consumer-body-ticks-off-ryanair-for-greenwashing/ Dutch consumer body checks in from Ryanair for greenwashing

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