On Thursday, a public bench intended to show support for people of diverse sexualities and genders was found defaced. The bench, painted in the colors of the rainbow, was unveiled in Sinen, Limburg, on International Coming Out Day last October.
The benches were covered in black paint and had a white piece of paper taped to them that read, “Don’t torture the children!!” A handwritten note read, “Satanic sickness” and “God bless the group.”
According to local broadcaster L1, the bench also had a Limburg sticker on it. According to L1, the group has emerged as a radical anti-coronavirus group but has been largely silent for the past two years.
The bench was the brainchild of Team Respect Beekdalen. The group confirmed the incident on Facebook, but did not say what it plans to do about it.
Limburg’s LGBTQ+ human rights group Ouchi Zoe called it “an example of countless attacks on our community.” This reiterates the importance of paying constant attention to gender and sexual diversity and educating people with the right information. “
In the face of further threats, Ouchi Zo called on the LGBTQ+ community to be more visible.
https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/16/rainbow-bench-defaced-latest-incident-targeting-lgbtq-community Latest Incident Targeting LGBTQ+ Community Defiles Rainbow Bench