News | Feb 2, 2023 | 16:25
Abbreviation for Matra poseAschapelike Tigerinformation, which means “social change”.this Part of the Netherlands Regional Partnership Fund (NFRP), it identifies current and potential EU candidate states seeking to meet the conditions required by the EU accession process (e.g. the Copenhagen Criteria and/or the Association Agreement with the EU). We support. This partnership complements the work of the European Commission and aims to help the peripheral countries of the European Union strengthen democracy and the rule of law and increase stability.
Objectives and Priorities of MATRA in Bosnia and Herzegovina
MATRA’s aim is to contribute to social change by guiding sustainable relationships between governments and citizens in the areas of plural democracy, rule of law and human rights, drawing on the Dutch experience where possible.
With this objective in mind, support will be provided to civil society organizations to foster constructive dialogue between governments and civil society through demand-driven projects.
Its purpose is to increase the accountability and transparency of BiH authorities to influence policy and legislation and/or monitor their implementation. in the following fields:
- rule of lawjudicial and administrative reforms, and combating corruption and organized crime.
- Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, Special focus on human rights advocates, equal rights for LGBTI people, and freedom of religion and belief.
- freedom of expression and independent media, including safe working conditions for journalists in traditional and digital media;
- socio-economic reform In the light of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession path to the EU;
- stability and safety, focus on Countering immigration, countering terrorism, and countering violent extremism.
The following activities and project types are not eligible for funding under MATRA:
- Businesses related to themes other than the above
- Projects with a predominantly academic focus: research and feasibility studies.
- Projects that primarily or exclusively involve the delivery of goods or materials.
- infrastructure or construction projects;
- scholarships or educational programs;
- humanitarian aid;
- Projects that are primarily continuations of previous or ongoing projects funded by MATRA or other donors.
Who can apply for MATRA?
MATRA accepts applications from local non-governmental organizations.
When should I apply for MATRA?
The Royal Dutch Embassy will publish MATRA’s Call for Proposals earlier this year. The application can be submitted by him three times (once) after this Round by April 1stst2nd Round by July 1ststand 3rd Round by October 1stst). Proposals submitted to 3rd The round will be considered for the next fiscal year (starting January 1, 2024). Submitted proposals will be evaluated within six weeks.
If you are interested in submitting a project proposal for MATRA support, please visit the link below for additional information.
How to apply for MATRA?
Proposals must be submitted in both paper and electronic format (Word, PDF, or Excel format), must include the name and date of the applicant, and must be signed by an authorized person from the organization with ultimate responsibility. I have. Proposals must be written in English.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Leila Fetahagic or Viktorija Ruzicic at the Royal Dutch Embassy. When MATRA 2023 Call for Proposals | News Article