Princess Beatrix breaks her wrist while skiing in Lech, Austria

Former Queen of the Netherlands, Princess Beatrix, broke her wrist last week while skiing. The incident occurred on Friday, the government’s communications agency RVD confirmed on Monday.The office did not release specific details about the 85-year-old’s injuries.

“She has now undergone surgery for her fracture and has returned to the Netherlands. The princess is otherwise in good health and will recover from her fracture at home,” the RVD said. Beatrix lives in Castle Drakenstein in Lage Hervrche, part of Baarn in Utrecht.

Members of the Dutch royal family travel to Lech, Austria for ski holidays almost every year. Family members often pose for photos with members of the media.

Due to her injury, Beatrix postponed a visit to the Blombiek Royal Home for Veterans and the Blombiek Museum. She was to attend her 160th anniversary celebrations at the Arnhem facility on Friday. Princess Beatrix breaks her wrist while skiing in Lech, Austria

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