A house on Jan Palachstraat in The Hague was severely damaged by an explosion on Friday evening. According to the police, the front door of the house was damaged. However, no one was injured.
Een woning aan de #JanPalachstraat in #DenHaag raakte gisteravond rond 19:00 uur flink beschadigd door een explosie. Niemand raakte gewond. Wij doen onderzoek en zoeken getuigen die iets gezien, gehoord of eventuele beelden hebben. @POL_Segbroek https://t.co/ac8GvYw6Mb
— Politie Eenheid Den Haag (@POL_DenHaag) October 28, 2023
On the night of September 30 to October 1, an explosion also occurred in the same house. The police are investigating whether there is a connection between the explosions.
There was also an attack at another house in Zuid-Holland last night. Around 12:30 a.m., an explosive device went off in a house in Lenaert Vechelstraat in Brielle. There were no casualties, but the front door of the house was damaged.
However, not only Zuid-Holland is experiencing a series of explosions. In the Schagenstraat in Den Helder, Noord-Holland, an explosive was thrown into the mailbox of a house during the night from Friday to Saturday. The police suspect that heavy fireworks were involved.
In de nacht van vrijdag op zaterdag 28 oktober is een explosief, vermoedelijk zwaar vuurwerk, door de brievenbus van een woning aan de #Schagenstraat gegooid. Niemand raakte hierbij gewond. De politie doet onderzoek en zoekt getuigen en camerabeelden: https://t.co/gDS9l1T9R4
— Politie Eenheid Noord-Holland (@POL_Eenheid_NH) October 28, 2023
The explosion took place around 03:15 a.m. and caused smoke. As a result, the facade of the house was significantly damaged. The residents of the house were at home when the explosives went off, but were not injured.
The police are investigating the explosion and are asking witnesses and people who took video footage to come forward.
https://nltimes.nl/2023/10/28/series-explosions-several-homes-zuid-holland Series of explosions at several homes in Zuid-Holland