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Humpback whales may have been spotted in the North Sea near The Hague

A humpback whale may have been spotted in the North Sea on Tuesday, first off Scheveningen and then near Kijkduin. Announced. Tuesday’s images are not yet available, but the conservation group said observations passed to them fit the humpback whale’s description.

A humpback whale was spotted off the Belgian coast near Ostend last week. According to SOS Dolfijn, “the distance is very short for a humpback whale,” so it is very likely that this animal made it up the shoreline.

It looks like an adult specimen. They can reach an average length of about 15 meters. According to SOS Dolfijn, humpback whales are very well managed in the North Sea. “Maybe it’s just looking for food.”

Humpback whales belong to the baleen whale family, and they swallow water containing fish, filter it, and eat it. In recent years, mammals have been seen in the North Sea on average once a year. Last June, a severely emaciated humpback whale washed up on the island of Vlieland.

SOS Dolphin said you can easily see this animal from the beach. But “I always hope people don’t start approaching them with boats on purpose.”

https://nltimes.nl/2023/01/03/humpback-whale-possibly-spotted-north-sea-near-hague Humpback whales may have been spotted in the North Sea near The Hague

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