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Backpacks on the Flagpole: Exam Results Day for 192,000 High School Graduates

Today, over 192,000 secondary school students will pass their final exams to find out if they can hang their backpacks on the flagpole. It’s the Dutch way of announcing that you’ve graduated from secondary school. NOS report.

More than 91,000 VMBO students, more than 55,000 HAVO students, more than 40,000 VWO students, and more than 6,000 practical education students await today’s results. This year is the first time that it is known whether students at practical schools can graduate on the same day as other students taking final exams.

The National Association of Schoolchildren LAKS received a record 307,000 complaints about this year’s final exams. That’s more than 21,000 more than last year. According to LAKS, the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing teacher shortage are impacting the performance of its graduates.

The second period of final exams starts on Monday. Students who miss the exam or need to retake the exam can do so within this period. Results will be announced on July 6th.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/14/backpack-flag-pole-exam-results-day-192000-high-school-graduates Backpacks on the Flagpole: Exam Results Day for 192,000 High School Graduates

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