From 31 January, full-fare second-class train passengers can also check-in and check-out at stations using contactless debit cards, credit cards, or mobile phones. You no longer need to go to a ticket machine to buy a ticket or top up your balance, but you can check in directly and board the train. With the introduction of OVpay, traveling on public transport has become even easier.
OV Pay
Contactless debit or credit card check-in and check-out is one of the new payment methods being introduced by public transport and Translink under the umbrella name OVpay. The new check-in and check-out system will be available on all public transport by the end of March.
Over 3,000 travelers have joined the pilot in the last few months. NS has learned from this pilot and improved his OVpay technology where necessary to make the process as easy as possible for travelers.
The price for traveling with a debit card is the same as for traveling in a 2nd class car with the OV-chipkaart full fare. The cost of the trip is added up by the day and will appear to the traveler on the bank or credit card company’s statement the next day. Travelers can find their trip summary by linking their payment card to My NS or by entering the code given in the payment summary with the description of his NLOV at
Passenger discounts on OV-fiets/OV-ebike rentals or P+R sites are not possible with debit/credit cards. Train passengers can check-in and check-out with a contactless debit or credit card