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12 states, 12 councils and some very big problems to solve

Illustration: Depositphotos.com

The Netherlands will go to polls to vote for members of the 12 state parliaments on March 15th. State legislators will vote for the Senate, while experts are trying to figure out what the results mean for the central government. Some big issues to deal with.

Local elections reveal deep-seated mistrust of Dutch politics

From wolves to nitrogen, from roads to homes, here’s a quick rundown of the main topics of conversation state by state.

Capital: Assen
Royal Commissioner: Jet Krinsma
Council seats: 41
Current coalition: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, ChristenUnie
website (Dutch only)

A big problem: The return of wolves is a major source of contention in the northern third of the states, especially among farmers. The state has special wolf-focused consultants and action plans to deal with wolves. Energy is another thorny issue. There is a big divide between the pros and cons of the wind and solar plant lobby. The third major issue is what to do with his N34 ‘hunebed’ highway across the state. Some argue that it should be doubled in size, while others want the speed limit to be lowered to 80 kilometers per hour.

Hunebed in Drenthe.Photo: Niels van der Pas

Capital: Lelystad
Royal Commissioner: Lean Verbeek
Council seats: 40
Current Alliance: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, ChristenUnie, D66
website (Dutch only)

big problem: Measures to combat nitrogen-based pollution, as well as the future of Lelystad Airport, are high on the agenda of this agriculture-based state – plans to turn it into a Schiphol-over-spill are currently frozen from Groningen via Lelystad The plan to develop a direct train to Amsterdam is also a hot topic.

Capital: Leeuwarden
Royal Commissioner: Arno Brok
Council seats: 49
Current coalition: VVD, PvdA, CDA, FNP (Frisian Nationalists)
website (Dutch and Frisian)

The big question: The return of wild wolves to the Netherlands is one of Friesland’s major themes that the state authorities have come up with. I plan to install a fence Circle the entire state to keep them out. The decline of the Frisian language is also a problem.

Photo: Depositphotos.com

Capital: Arnhem
King’s Commissioner: John Berens
Council seats: 55
Current coalition: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, ChristenUnie
website (Dutch, English, German)

big problem: Helderlund made headlines late last year after he approved his dismissal wolf paintball to keep them away from visitors to the Veluwe National Park. A court later ruled the plan off-limits, but the arrival of wolves remains a major concern. Avian influenza. Opposition to government plans to reduce nitrogen pollution tops Gelderland’s list of concerns, given its focus on agriculture.

Capital: Groningen
Royal Commissioner: Rene Paz
Council seats: 43
Current Alliance: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, ChristenUnie, D66
website (Dutch only)

big problem: The state has played a key role in campaigning for proper compensation for locals whose homes have been damaged by the riots. Gas-related earthquake And he welcomed last month’s sordid report on the performance of governments and energy companies. Additionally, Groningen is struggling to cope with a shortage of refugee housing and is the only reception center in the country. Tell Apel Last summer, hundreds of people were forced to sleep outdoors.

Sint Servaasbrug in Maastricht. Photo: Depositphotos

Capital: Maastricht
Royal Commissioner: Emil Remer
Council seats: 47
Current Union: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, D66, EENLokaal
website (Dutch only)

big problem: People living in Limburg were most likely to list the issue of nitrogen pollution as their top concern in the recent RTL survey, followed by ‘poverty and high prices’ and ‘immigration’. As with the future of Maastricht-Aachen Airport, the issue of liability for damages after the 2021 floods is also a major regional issue.

North Brabant
Capital city: Den Bosch
King’s Commissioner: Ina Adema
Council seats: 55
Current Union: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, D66
website (Dutch and English)

big problem: With North Brabant’s large livestock industry, nitrogen issues and farmers are at the top of the list of concerns, so it’s no wonder the pro-farmer BBB is one of the largest political parties in the state. The future of Eindhoven Airport is also a big deal, as are investments in fighting drugs and other organized crime. Maintaining rural public transport and state village life is also high on the list of concerns for locals.

Photo: DutchNews.nl

North Holland
State capital: Harlem
Royal Commissioner: Arthur van Dijk
Council seats: 55
Current Union: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, D66
website Dutch and English

big problem: Housing tops the list of concerns, especially in the Amsterdam area where waiting lists for public housing continue to grow and there is little available to buy or rent. Pollution from Tata Steelworks in IJmuiden, noise at Schiphol Airport and other issues were also high on the list of concerns compiled by RTL Nieuws. Alternative energy sources, such as local wind farms, are another major issue.

Capital: Zwolle
Royal Commissioner: Andries Heidema
Council seats: 47
Current Alliance: CDA, VVD, PvdA, ChristenUnie, SGP
website (Dutch only)

big problem:
Distrust of the government’s plans to reduce nitrogen pollution is growing in the largely rural province of Overijssel, where the pro-farmer party BBB is about to emerge as the largest party. Water is also a big issue.local drinking water company Vitens warned Last year, shortages prevented several businesses in the state from being provided with potable water, leaving the region in dire need of new sources of water. “The Netherlands is not doing well,” I think.

Capital city: Utrecht
Royal Commissioner: Hans Austers
Council seats: 49
Current Union: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, D66, ChristenUnie
website (Dutch and English)

big problem: One of the most controversial regional plans in recent years is the Utrecht decision. Widen the A27 motorway, which involves cutting down thousands of trees. Housing is a major issue, with major political parties clashing over what percentage of social housing should be included in new developments. Wind turbines are also controversial, with GroenLinks saying states should have the power to force towns and villages to accept wind turbines, even if locals object.

Photo: DutchNews.nl

Capital City: Middelburg
Royal Commissioner: Han Polman
Council seats: 39
Current Union: VVD, PvdA, CDA, SGP
website (Dutch only)

big problem: The risk posed by carcinogenic PFAS in the Westerschelde estuary is a major concern in the Netherlands’ westernmost province, as is the campaign to abolish the Westerschelde tunnel toll for local residents. The decision to build two more nuclear power plants in Borssele also divides local politicians along traditional party lines. Depopulation and survival of state villages and traditions are also hot topics.

South Holland
Capital city: The Hague
Royal Commissioner: Jaap Smit
Council seats: 55
Current Unions: VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, SGP/ChristenUnie
(website) Dutch only

Big problem: Nitrogen problems are a major cause of fragmentation in South Holland, where much of the country’s greenhouse horticulture is based. Housing is also a sensitive subject. The state needs him to build 235,000 new homes to meet demand, and far-right parties are proposing allowing people to live permanently in holiday parks as a way to avoid a housing shortage. . Transport and mobility are also high on the political agenda, with leftists in particular calling for more investment in public transport at the expense of cars.

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/03/the-situation-in-the-12-provinces/ 12 states, 12 councils and some very big problems to solve

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