9 military personnel arrested on hard drug charges: Telegraaf
Nine soldiers and one former soldier in the army were arrested for possession and distribution of hard drugs. Telegraph Reported on Monday.
The arrests follow an incident earlier this year in which one of the soldiers was arrested for using drugs at a festival. Gendarmerie officers found information on his cell phone that led to nine of his others.
The drugs are said to have been used by off-duty soldiers. Most of them were arrested in five separate army barracks across the country, Telegraaf said, one of whom was arrested during a training exercise in Germany.
Further arrests have not been ruled out.
Koninklijke Marechhaussee said last week: 4 service members of troops arrested on hard drug charges.
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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/nine-serving-soldiers-arrested-on-hard-drugs-charges-telegraaf/ 9 military personnel arrested on hard drug charges: Telegraaf