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A third of caravans pose a road hazard

An analysis of inspection data from 3,000 caravans by the automotive industry association Bovaag reports that one-third of Dutch caravans fail road safety inspections. And since these inspections are not mandatory, the actual number of caravans posing a hazard on the road may be much higher. advertisement report.

“The results are alarming. “People who have their caravans inspected put safety first, and he said that if 1 in 3 did not pass the inspection, the maintenance status of all uninspected caravans would be questionable. will be broken.”

Bovag acquired inspection data through a new automated system. Ultimately, it is expected that inspection data for about 50,000 caravans and campers can be obtained. There are 417,000 caravans in Holland.

There seems to be a problem especially with retro caravans that are over 20 years old. Over 40% of people have some kind of problem. Nearly half of caravans between the ages of 30 and 40 do not pass inspection.

Braking systems, which are critical to safe driving, are often defective, Bovag said. Industry associations recommend biennial inspections.

Bovag said the caravan’s problems pose a “significant safety risk” for owners and other road users.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/05/12/third-caravans-danger-roads A third of caravans pose a road hazard

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