
A12 Blockade: Police begin transporting XR demonstrators by bus

Police began evacuating Extinction Rebellion protesters around 1:50 pm. The people were detained, hoisted and put on buses by the transport company HTM. Activists had blocked the A12 in The Hague for some time to demonstrate against fossil fuel subsidies.

Some activists put up a little resistance and were put on buses. However, the atmosphere is cheerful and there is still dancing and singing. Many protesters carry banners or flags. Buses continue to arrive to transport demonstrators to the police station. After 2:00 pm, the fourth bus arrived. Some demonstrators were stuck on hoses, which police cut open.

Earlier, police attempted to use water cannons at climate change activists to stop them. Police also warned that demonstrators who do not comply with orders to leave will be arrested. A12 Blockade: Police begin transporting XR demonstrators by bus

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