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About 150 Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested on The Hague’s A12

According to the national travel association ANWB, the A12 near The Hague to Utrecht has reopened. The road was closed by a blockade of Extinction Rebellion climate activists who had been blocking the road since noon Saturday to protest subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. The Utrechtbahn is still closed.

According to Extinction Rebellion, there were hundreds of protesters at the site. Police ordered them to move the protest to Marifeld, a vast area across from The Hague’s central station, rather than on the highway.

A live stream from a climate change activist showed police gave the group the first warning just before 12:30 pm on Saturday. One demonstrator was arrested shortly after the demonstration started and taken into police custody.

Police continued to arrest dozens of demonstrators, as seen in images from activist groups. was not immediately apparent, the spokesperson said.

“We will not be sent to Mariveldo until our wishes are fulfilled. We will be arrested,” the group said in a livestream.

At this time, the police were still clearing the road and demonstrators were sitting on the road and clinging to the bus. Police rinsed demonstrators’ hands with Coke bottles to dissolve the glue. It is not yet known how long the evacuation will take, according to police.

The Hague municipality said on Twitter that it would promote the demonstration as much as possible. .”

Climate Action was right next to the temporary building of Tweede Kamer and the Ministry of Economy and Climate. According to Extinction Rebellion, it’s his fourth time in a short time that the location has demonstrated.

https://nltimes.nl/2022/11/26/150-extinction-rebellion-protesters-arrested-a12-hague About 150 Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested on The Hague’s A12

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