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After the Stabbing: Fundraiser Underway for Church Center in Leiden

A fundraiser for the Diaconar Centrum de Bacheri, a facility jointly run by the Leiden church where the stabbing took place on Friday, reached more than €2,100 on Sunday morning. This is more than double the target amount. The Church Center hopes to use the proceeds to compensate for “significant material damage” to the premises.

A man has been arrested after a stabbing incident. However, police could not confirm on Saturday whether he was in fact the suspect in the stabbing. The church center said the man who stabbed him was a customer of one of the organizations in the building and “had no other way out.”

The stabbing occurred on Friday morning at De Bacheri, a church support and service center along Oude Rein in the city centre. A 66-year-old man from Leiden died at the scene from his injuries. Two other victims were also injured, one of them seriously. The church center houses several groups, including the refugee aid group Wurchtelingenwerk, where one of the victims worked. A spokesperson said the person is doing well under the circumstances. De Baccheri said the two injured people could be discharged from the hospital soon.

All residents of the city are welcome to participate in a minute of silence on Sunday evenings in the Hoaglandze Church.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/07/16/stabbing-fundraising-campaign-church-center-leiden-underway After the Stabbing: Fundraiser Underway for Church Center in Leiden

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