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Agribusiness Trade Mission to Albania, 5-6 October 2023 | News Article

News Article | Jul 14, 2023 | 08:41

Agribusiness Trade Mission to Albania, 5-6 October 2023

Are you a Dutch company operating in the agricultural sector? Are you looking for sustainable business opportunities in Albania?

Join us from 5pm to 6pm Participating in a trade mission to Albania in October 2023.

for whom?

This mission targets companies and knowledge institutions that provide technology, knowledge and solutions in the animal feed, protein transition and dairy sectors with a focus on sustainability. This mission is particularly suitable for companies and knowledge institutions looking to extend their expertise to Albania and even to the Western Balkans region.

why join?

This mission will enable Dutch companies and knowledge institutions to:

  • Get to know the Albanian market and agricultural sector.
  • Explore business opportunities in Albania.
  • Improve existing relations in Albania.
  • Get to know your future Albanian business partners, clients and government through individual matching, company visits, network receptions and sector meetings.

Fees and participation fees

Transportation and accommodation expenses will be borne by you. You can use the travel arrangements we suggest, or you can book your own travel and accommodation.


Please register for this mission. You can register by September 4, 2023 at the latest. tir-ea@minbuza.nl.

Participation in this mission is only open to Dutch companies and knowledge institutions that fit the above setting and substantive focus of this trade mission.


The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania organizes this mission in cooperation with the Dutch Business Administration (RVO).

want to know more?

Any questions about this trade mission? Contact us: tir-ea@minbuza.nl


The government expects all Dutch companies to practice international corporate social responsibility (International Marshappelik Verandtwood Ondernemen (IMVO)), including compliance with OECD guidelines For Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This includes MVO standards for internationally active entrepreneurs.

Compliance with these OECD guidelines is one of the conditions for participating in this mission. You will also need to complete a CSR self-scan (MVO Zelfscan).

Conducted at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/latest-news/news/2023/07/14/trade-mission-agriculture-to-albania-5-6-october-2023 Agribusiness Trade Mission to Albania, 5-6 October 2023 | News Article

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