
Appeals court says refugee housing is bad but no short-term solution

Some refugees live in tents. Photo:

The Dutch government is breaking international standards in the way it organizes accommodation for asylum seekers, but it is not possible to increase the number of beds anytime soon. Appeal Court Judge said Tuesday in The Hague.

The ruling means the Cabinet cannot be legally obliged to take steps to increase the supply of refugee housing in the short term.

In October, a lower court ruled that the Netherlands did not meet international standards and that the government should ensure that all asylum seekers have access to overhead roofs, food, water and sanitation. The court also ordered the state to take immediate action.

But the state and the refugee settlement agency have appealed, arguing they needed more time to comply.

‘meeting [the requirements] It is stranded and has too few beds to accommodate those who follow,” the court said. “It’s also clear that the nationwide housing shortage is contributing to the shortage of beds.”

Refugee aid group Furchtelingenwerk had argued that refugees should be housed in empty government buildings and holiday parks, but the court ruled that workers to set up such projects did not agree with this, pointing out that there was a significant shortage of


The Court of Appeal also said The Dutch government illegally distinguished between refugees from Ukraine and asylum seekers from other countries.Both groups are fleeing war and violence, A difference should be made in the acceptance of these groups,” the court said.Therefore, countries must treat these groups equally.

Refugees from Ukraine are allowed to enter the Netherlands without going through asylum procedures and are allowed to work directly. Appeals court says refugee housing is bad but no short-term solution

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