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Arrested for murder of 15-year-old boy in Purmerend

Police said Friday night that a 15-year-old boy from Purmerend was arrested in connection with the stabbing death of a 17-year-old boy. The victim, a young man, was taken to hospital after being injured Thursday night in Dotterbloom, Purmerend. Police had previously reported that they had focused on two suspects and that a third suspect may be involved in the case. Therefore, the possibility of more arrests cannot be ruled out, NH Nieuws reported.

Purmlend Mayor Ellen van Serm told NH Nieuws on Friday night that she wants to introduce a knife ban in the city as soon as possible. “We can’t stop it, but it clearly shows the limits. So far, no more,” said Van Serm.

There were at least four stabbings and two violent robberies in Purmerend in July alone. NH News said the knife ban is intended to act as a preventive measure, but the APV won’t come into effect until after the summer holidays at the earliest.

Police are still investigating the exact circumstances of the incident.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/07/22/15-year-old-boy-arrested-stabbing-purmerend Arrested for murder of 15-year-old boy in Purmerend

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