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Biggest political mistrust in ‘local’: study

Distrust in politics is highest among residents of provinces outside Randstad, according to a survey conducted by Kieskompas for a local broadcaster. Residents of “rural” most often answered that “distrust” was the most dominant emotion when thinking about politics. NOS report.

Residents of Zeeland feel distrust most strongly, with 51% calling it the dominant feeling. Limberg is her second most distrustful with 45%. Surprisingly, many of Groningen’s residents still suffer from the damage caused by the gas mining earthquake, yet only 36% of her said distrust was her main feeling towards politics. bottom.

In 9 of the 12 Dutch provinces, mistrust of politics was the most prevalent. ‘Interest’ prevailed in Randstad in South-Holland, North-Holland and Utrecht.

The statement that “sometimes the opinions of the people of Randstad are more important than the opinions of other Dutch people” was felt most strongly outside of Randstad. In Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, more than 80% of his inhabitants supported this statement, while nationwide he was 58%. Nine prefectures exceeded the national average.

More than half of Dutch residents (54%) believe that politicians often forget about people in rural areas. People in Groningen (77%) and Drenthe (76%) feel the most forgotten. Utrecht (37%), North-Holland (40%) and South-Holland (49%) were the least in agreement with this statement.

But despite all reservations, 78% of Dutch residents agree that it is important to vote in the next state parliamentary elections. Only 7% said it was meaningless.

Kieskompas surveyed 4,871 voting Dutch residents for this study at the end of January. Samples and results are weighted by state, age, gender, education, background, and voting behavior in the 2021 Congressional elections.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/02/17/political-mistrust-greatest-rural-provinces-study Biggest political mistrust in ‘local’: study

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