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Call for Concept Notes: A Four-Year Program Integrated Water Resources Management | News Article

News | 28-03-2023 | 10:25

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (MOFA), through the Dutch Embassy in Maputo, will fund a four-year IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) program in Mozambique starting in 2024.

The IWRM program will be implemented by Mozambican “implementation partners” and will also employ external local and international service providers, including technical assistance.

The Embassy invites organizations or consortia of organizations interested in co-creating and managing an IWRM program to submit concept notes. The concept note should include the applicant’s vision for her IWRM in Mozambique and a proposal presenting the methodology and required funding for the first phase (co-creation process) of the IWRM programme.

The PDF file contains the assumed program context and main features. After that, the main criteria used in the selection process are explained.

Interested, eligible and eligible applicants may apply by Friday 21 April 2023 to the Netherlands, Maputo, using the following email address: MAP@minbuza.nl You will need to submit a concept note with a pre-proposal and annexes to the embassy. 59 cat. Submissions after the deadline will be ignored.

https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/latest-news/news/2023/03/27/call-for-notes-integrated-water-resources-management-mozambique Call for Concept Notes: A Four-Year Program Integrated Water Resources Management | News Article

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