
Call for Concept Notes – Hakushika Program | News Article

News | 28-02-2023 | 11:45

We are calling for concept notes 2023 for projects focused on creating opportunities for local economic development that foster green growth and empower youth and women in our communities.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jordan is soliciting concept notes for the White Deer Program Fund. Silaka means partnership in Arabic. With the White Deer Programme, the Netherlands supports social development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The social contract between government and citizens is the main focus. Shiraka focuses on citizen engagement in governance and government service delivery to citizens. In Jordan, the White Deer Program works with local organizations to support initiatives focused on local economic development.

In the newly adopted Dutch Multi-Annual Country Strategy 2023-2026 in Jordan, the Silaka Program remains the innovation hub of the Dutch portfolio, creating and promoting local income-generating activities at the grassroots/community level. , to test different approaches. And you’ll learn lessons that you can feed into the rest of your programming. Shiraka will be a tool to stimulate innovation and creativity across policy objectives. White deer are utilized to provide a space for experimenting with new ideas, engaging in special dialogues and interventions that combine elements of both governance and development.

We are looking for concept notes on the following topics: Please read the description and eligibility criteria carefully.

general information

We are looking for new projects to be implemented by the Shiraka Program Fund. Projects should focus on fostering green growth and creating local economic development opportunities that empower youth and women in the community.

goals, results, priorities

The goal is to achieve economic development (ie, income-generating) opportunities in local communities that promote green growth. In doing so, we will create green jobs, promote green business models, improve sustainable livelihoods in poor and remote communities, and innovate to empower young people and women. Approaches should be identified and pursued.

A green job is defined by the International Labor Organization as: Green jobs help improve energy and raw material efficiency. Limit greenhouse gas emissions. Minimize waste and pollution. Protect and restore ecosystems. Support adaptation to the impacts of climate change. ” 1

Where possible, the use of nature-based solutions (e.g. sustainable land use management and conservation practices) and solutions that support biodiversity enhancement are encouraged.

Measuring progress and learning from innovative approaches are key factors for success. Projects therefore use qualitative and/or quantitative data to establish a baseline and measure progress based on consensus.


Collaboration with Dutch programs in Jordan

Tackling climate change is an integral part of the Dutch Multi-Annual Country Strategy (MACS) 2023-2026 for Jordan. In our efforts, we are working closely with and coordinating with the Government of Jordan. The Netherlands will assist Jordan in achieving its goals. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Climate Ambitions. Specific mitigation measures in which the Netherlands will continue to contribute to energy efficiency in the water sector, nature-inclusive solutions in agriculture and investments in renewable energy. The Netherlands will contribute to adaptation by reducing water use through promoting water- and climate-friendly agriculture and making new water sources available through desalination, rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment. The Netherlands will also help explore innovative green finance options. The Netherlands is keen to identify new and innovative approaches that are closely linked to water, private sector development and interventions in the agricultural sector. With this call for proposals, the Netherlands aims to take into account the impacts of climate change (including adaptation to climate) and realize regional economic development opportunities that promote green growth.

Reaching out to vulnerable groups such as refugees and host communities, women and young people and keeping their needs in mind is a central step in the Dutch strategy. During the design phase, projects need to be fine-tuned to have the greatest possible impact in terms of empowering women and youth.

eligibility criteria

  • Applicants must be local non-governmental and non-profit organizations. Consortia of organizations are also permitted and encouraged to apply.
  • Organizations must demonstrate a track record in the area they apply for, either based on the organization’s history of intervention or the individuals working on the proposed project.
  • The proposed budget is realistic and cost-effective. In addition, remuneration for the applicant’s individual managers and officers must be cost-effective and reasonably proportional to the seniority of the position and the size and complexity of the organization. The maximum acceptable overhead is 7% of the total budget.
  • The proposed activity is being carried out only in Jordan.
  • Project duration must be a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 3 years.
  • The requested budget ranges from 800,000 to 1,400,000 euros.
  • Charitable activities, research studies, academic courses, overseas workshops/training, and equipment are not eligible for funding.

White Deer Program Fund Framework and Instructions

  • The project should be related to the embassy theme mentioned earlier in this document.
  • Projects must avoid duplication and create synergies with existing Dutch-funded activities and interventions and other donors.
  • Projects should be aligned with or supported by Jordanian government policies such as the Economic Modernization Vision and encouraged to work closely with relevant ministries or local governments.
  • We prefer projects that have significant impact and generate innovation with potential for scale-up.
  • Gender sensitivity, optimizing equal opportunities for young men and women, refugees and vulnerable individuals are cross-cutting themes of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Projects should clearly demonstrate the integration of these themes whenever possible.

how to apply?

Applicants are asked to complete the application form below and provide a concept note of the proposed activity in PDF format of no more than 5 pages (excluding budget). Concept notes should include at least the following topics:

  • including an overview of the project and proposed activities, including its innovative features
  • Performance explanation of the executing agency
  • Indication of expected results and how these are monitored and reported
  • program risk paragraph
  • preliminary budget

If eligible, organizations can apply by emailing both the application form and the concept note. no later than Sunday 26thth By 10:00 AM Amman Time on March 2023.

The email subject must include the name of the organization and fund to which you are applying. Recruitment of concept notes White Deer Fund – the name of the organization.

The time of receipt of the email will be considered the time of submission. Technical issues related to electronic submission are the responsibility of the applicant.

Selection method

The selection process for this open call for concept notes is divided into two parts. After the above deadlines, the concept note and each application form will be evaluated against formal eligibility criteria and Embassy priorities. Please note that unfilled applications and applications with more than 5 pages of concept notes (excluding budget) will not be considered.

Only eligible bidders will be notified within 60 days of the announced deadline and those organizations will be asked to submit a complete proposal. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified within 60 days. Unfortunately, we are unable to take further action on failed applications.

In the second selection, the final selection will be made by the embassy. The Embassy reserves the right to withdraw the call for concept notes and/or not select any concept notes submitted. Call for Concept Notes – Hakushika Program | News Article

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