Call for Concept Notes on Strengthening the Food System and FNS in Mozambique’s Beira Corridor | News Article
News | Dec 13, 2022 | 09:36
Dutch Embassy, Maputo
Duration: 4 years
Budget: €30 million
Deadline: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (MoFA), through the Dutch Embassy in Maputo (hereafter referred to as the ‘Embassy’), will fund a four-year food and nutrition security program in Mozambique. Smallholders, small commercial farmers and other agribusiness SMEs in the Beira Corridor of Manica and Sofala provinces.
The Embassy is therefore inviting consortia of organizations interested in implementing such programs to submit concept notes. The embassy evaluates the concept note and compares it to established criteria. Concept notes that do not meet the criteria set to a satisfactory level will be rejected and not considered further.
Submitting the concept note is the first step in a two-step application process. We do not provide funding based on concept notes. In the second phase, up to two lead her partners from the consortium with the highest ranking of the application are invited to submit full proposals. Those two of her applicants who successfully pass the concept note threshold will be provided with substantive criteria and a complete proposal outline. Proposals that best meet the criteria and outline are eligible for selection.
The total funding available for this concept note offering is EUR 30,000,000. The contract may be renewed for a further four-year second phase, particularly depending on the performance of the implementing consortium, as confirmed by an independent mid-term evaluation at the end of the third year of phase one. The Embassy will only fund one proposal or not fund it at all, up to the maximum available funding.
The PDF file below is the assumed context and main features of the program. The main criteria used in the selection process are listed at the end of this paper.
If interested, applicants should submit the concept note and annexes to the Dutch Embassy in Maputo using the following email address:, no later than 23:59 CAT on Wednesday 15 February 2023). Late submissions after the deadline will not be considered. Call for Concept Notes on Strengthening the Food System and FNS in Mozambique’s Beira Corridor | News Article