
Call for Proposals | News Article

News | May 4, 2023 | 13:14

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Egypt is currently accepting proposals from local organizations working in the field of refugee assistance and migration in Egypt.

The purpose of the call is to directly provide local organizations with the support they need to improve the protection and empowerment of refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants in Egypt. [1] Submitted projects must contribute to the achievement of one or both of the following objectives:

  • fostering an environment that enables socioeconomic inclusion By improving emergency and/or long-term access to displaced persons, especially refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants, together with host communities; protection, education and/or employment. [2]
  • empower By strengthening local organizations working in the field of migration and displacement, capacity Increase support provided to refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants. [3]

Eligibility for project submission:

  • Proposals are only accepted from legally registered organizations. [4] Joint proposals may be submitted together by multiple regional organizations.
  • Preference is given to multi-year projects with an approximate duration of 3 years. [5] The project start date should be in the second half of 2023.
  • Budget requests are between €300,000 and €500,000 per year, up to €1.5 million across multi-year projects. The annual spending limit is €500,000.

Submission guidelines:

  • Send the complete application in one email. at the latest May 6, 2023.
  • Indicate the name of your organization and the title of the project in the email subject line.
  • Each application should consist of:
    • Project Proposal (English)
    • Project budget (Euro or EGP) [6]
    • Documents or images supporting the application compiled into a single PDF file (if applicable)

please note:

  • Applicants who have already received Dutch funding within the framework of an existing program (such as PROSPECTS or COMPASS) should make this clear in their proposal. Also explain that the proposed project does not overlap with ongoing activities (perhaps from other donors), but rather complements them.
  • Considering a wide range of thematic topics applicable to the migration and displacement sector, project selection will be based on quality, innovation, social relevance, efficiency and impact. As a means of social development, priority is given to projects with long-term impact, focused on the protection and empowerment of refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants.
  • Projects are evaluated on a rolling basis and applicants are encouraged to submit complete applications as soon as possible.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be contacted within two months of the call deadline.
  • Additional supporting documentation will be requested from selected applicants once the final project design and details have been agreed upon.
  • Requested project duration and budget may need to be changed based on funding availability.
  • Submission of an application does not guarantee receipt of funds from the Embassy.

Contact information Before May 2, 2023. [7]

[1] Instead of funding local organizations through “intermediary organizations” or other (international) partners.

[2] This may include increasing resilience, improving self-reliance, reducing vulnerability and/or enhancing livelihoods.

[3] Proposed activities can be targeted to applicant organizations or other local stakeholders such as community-based organizations or partner local organizations.

[4] Applications from multilateral and international organizations will not be accepted. Applications from local organizations operating under the auspices of international organizations will also be considered, but the rationale behind this type of operation and independence from the governing body should be clarified in the proposal. Applications from local organizations operating in Egypt but legally registered in another country will be considered, but preference will be given to organizations registered in Egypt.

[5] If your proposed purpose and impact require you to change the requested three-year period, please indicate and justify this in your proposal.

[6] Project budgets must be submitted in the currency of the bank account used for payment. Budget items in the template can be adjusted to logically follow the specific project proposed.

[7] The Embassy does not guarantee a response to questions after this date. Call for Proposals | News Article

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