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CDA wants cell phone ban in schools: ‘Students even talk to each other’

Photo: Depositphotos.com

The Christian Democrats want to ban cell phones in schools to improve student performance and encourage social interaction.

The party cited a study from the DUO Education Department that found that smartphones in the classroom lead to lower grades and affect language and reading comprehension.

Plan for nationwide ban introduced Wednesday education budget controversyAs the party claims, the school’s own policy on cell phone use causes “chaos” and is meant to be superseded.

Some schools are already picking up phones before classes start. According to the CDA, it should be done in all elementary and middle schools.

CDA MP’s René Peters said it would improve concentration if students stopped using cell phones. RTL News“Teenagers think they can multitask, but they can’t.”

He said it would be good for teachers as well.

The final ban will not be enthusiastically received by all schools, as some schools use it as an educational tool to notify them of schedule changes.

Peters said the iPad can do the job. “The daily misery of cell phones at school far outweighs the small benefits. And children may start talking to each other again during recess.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/cda-wants-mobile-phone-ban-in-schools-pupils-may-even-talk-to-each-other/ CDA wants cell phone ban in schools: ‘Students even talk to each other’

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