CEO: Air France KLM Airlines takes the health of the planet very seriously
Air France-KLM Royal Dutch Airlines CEO Ben Smith stressed at the annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday that the airline group takes the health of the planet very seriously. He was answering questions raised by several shareholders about the sustainability plans of Air France-KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
One of the questions was asked on behalf of the environmental organization FossielVrij. The official wondered why Air France/KLM’s growth plans were being discussed during the conference if its planes were polluting the climate. “Continuing down this path will lead to loss, and ultimately to the loss of all life on Earth.” should admit.
But Smith said the idea of not flying at all is out of the question. “It’s a loss for all stakeholders and it’s in no one’s interest,” he said. But even though Air France-KLM is already ahead of other big airlines, Smith argued that “we definitely need to take steps” to reduce our climate impact. bottom.
In an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Smith said Air France-KLM Royal Dutch Airlines: will be replaced by older long-range aircraft Use more fuel efficient aircraft. Replacement is expected to continue beyond 2025.
Another accusation during the interrogation suggested that Air France/KLM Royal Dutch Airlines had not complied with the Paris Climate Agreement agreements. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines chief executive Marjane Rinter disagreed, but said the airline should reduce its carbon footprint more quickly. “But our reduction plan is in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement,” stressed Rintel. He said sticking to these plans could keep global warming “below 2 degrees Celsius,” and he argued that climate science is the scientific basis for evaluating and monitoring companies’ carbon reduction targets. It is also stated in the Targets Initiative (SBTi) based on
Per de Rijk of the environmental activist group Milieudefensey accused Lintel of “deliberately greenwashing”. Given the company’s goal of reducing its carbon footprint by 30 percent in 2030 compared to 2019, “we are far from meeting the Paris Climate Agreement,” de Reich said. According to Milieudefensie, this should reduce him by 45%. CEO: Air France KLM Airlines takes the health of the planet very seriously