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Climate activists block A12 in The Hague for fifteenth day in a row

Climate demonstrators entered the A12 in The Hague again on Saturday, the municipality of The Hague reports. It is the fifteenth day in a row that Extinction Rebellion activists have used a roadblock to call on the government to stop projects that support the fossil fuel industry. After some time, the police used water cannons to disperse the activists.

The municipality reiterates that it is not allowed to demonstrate on the A12 and that police can intervene if protesters do not comply with the request to leave the road. Demonstrations are allowed on the Koekamplaan next to the Malieveld.

The municipality also posted on X that the climate activists have been asked to clear the road and the police will use a water thrower for activists who refuse to leave.

On Friday, 213 protesters were arrested blocking the road, which was more than the previous two days.

XR spokesperson Lucas Winnips claimed in a press statement that the climate action group is “not asking for police involvement. That is a political choice. It is now clear that Extinction Rebellion will continue as long as necessary and that we are expanding. I would like to ask the police not to intervene in our peaceful demonstration anymore because that is pointless. We will come back the next day.”

Extinction Rebellion has been demonstrating daily on the A12 since September 9.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/09/23/climate-activists-block-a12-hague-fifteenth-day-row Climate activists block A12 in The Hague for fifteenth day in a row

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