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College graduates overtake college graduates in salary bets

MBO students can earn up to 1.5 times more than college graduates, and a tight labor market is pushing up wages. Telegraph report.

This paper is based on MBO research guides that describe nearly 10,000 vocational studies and the job opportunities and salary figures they offer.

Tech MBO students are most likely to overtake HBO students, with an average net hourly earnings of €20.90 18 months into the job. The starting salary for HBO students is 16 euros per hour.

The rise in wages is largely due to a labor shortage, the newspaper said. Logistics and care are among the other areas with higher salaries for apprentices.

“This is just a kind of liberation for the MBO sector,” labor market professor Ton Wilthagen told the paper.

“There was always the idea that higher education means higher wages, but the market is now looking at MBO students in a different light,” he said. This is due to staff shortages in many key sectors and is in line with the ambition of Education Minister Robert Deichgraf to develop a wide range of training levels.

Wilthagen said the fact that the wages are high, although not true for all MBO students, should be brought to the attention of parents.

Children in the Netherlands mainly enter VMBO (Vocational School), Havo (Pre-University) and WVO (Pre-University) at the age of 12.

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/01/trade-school-graduates-overtake-college-goers-in-the-salary-stakes/ College graduates overtake college graduates in salary bets

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