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Cope, Spur and Poise recall pork tenderloin for salmonella

Supermarkets Coop, Spar and Poiesz are quickly removing a 325-gram pork tenderloin product from their shelves. The Agency (NVWA) reports.

According to NVWA, it concerns Boons Market Clinea Pork Tenderloin products with expiration dates of 14-04 and 15-04.

Supermarkets warn that eating the product if it is not sufficiently cooked can be hazardous to your health, especially for small children, the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women. The customer is strongly urged to return the product to the store. The store will refund the purchase price.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/04/15/coop-spar-poiesz-retrieve-pork-tenderloin-salmonella Cope, Spur and Poise recall pork tenderloin for salmonella

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