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Court Rejects Assisted Suicide Group’s Human Rights Claims

The Hague Judge Denied Effort By groups that support euthanasia to legalize helping someone commit suicide.

The Lastwill Cooperative and 29 others argued that the current Dutch euthanasia law is too narrow and inconsistent with the European Convention on Human Rights, which includes the right to self-determination.

They argued that the treaty states that “everyone has the right to have his or her private life respected” and “no interference by public authorities”.

But by stopping people from seeking help and restricting access to “end-of-life relief,” the law violates the right to die with dignity, the organization argues.

But the court ruled that the right of someone to make their own decisions about ending his life is protected by the Convention. to anyone, the court said.

Campaign groups responded by saying they were disappointed with the verdict.・I told the news. “The battle continues”

The organization has three months to decide whether to appeal.

not a crime

Suicide is not a crime in the Netherlands, but it is illegal to assist in suicide, for example by providing needed drugs. The only exception to this is covered by Dutch law on euthanasia.

Euthanasia can only be carried out if two doctors prove that the patient is suffering unbearably and the case meets five other important criteria.

In February of this year, a 74-year-old man from Castricum was arrested as part of an investigation into the sale of so-called suicide powder and is believed to be responsible for at least four deaths.

This powder was first presented as a humane method of suicide by CLW in 2017. The cooperative sold through meetings at members’ homes, but stopped doing so in 2021 after several people, including the organization’s president, were arrested.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/12/court-rejects-pro-assisted-suicide-groups-human-rights-claim/ Court Rejects Assisted Suicide Group’s Human Rights Claims

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