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Criminals in The Hague using new ATM scam to steal customers money

Last  weekend,  The Hague police issued a warning about  a new scam   being used by criminals to  steal money from  ATM customers.

They have  discovered   ten ATMs that have  been equipped with a so-called ‘cash trap’. As a result, the clients  do not receive their  pinned  money  as the cash  is  trapped  between   the ATM  cash dispenser  and the cash trap.  The criminals return at a later time to remove the cash trap  and  the money from the  ATM..

“This is a new form of fraud,” the police say. People are urged to be alert and to call the police if they suspect anything suspicious about a ATM machine.


Source: https://www.omroepwest.nl/

Photo: Police



https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2023/09/25/criminals-in-the-hague-using-new-atm-scam-to-steal-customers-money Criminals in The Hague using new ATM scam to steal customers money

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