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Cultural Update Dutch Embassy UK – February 2023 | News Article

News | 10-02-2023 | 08:49

It’s been a while since I last wrote an update on Dutch arts and culture you can experience in the UK. It’s time for an update. Below is a list of upcoming Dutch cultural activities in the UK. This list is not exhaustive and only provides a range of activities. In this update, we are looking a few months ahead. More activities are planned for 2023. We aim to make another update in about two months.

image: ©Simone de John Company

The Hermit, an exciting performance for young audiences

children’s theater

Coming soon on February 15th and 16th, the Simone de John Company will perform at the Imagine festival at London’s Southbank Centre. Their show, The Hermit, is aimed at young viewers and their parents. It’s a show about going home alone. Book your ticket here.

We also have a wonderful Belfast children’s festival coming up soon. Theater Artemis is on March 10th and 11th. Invisible Man, bringing amazingly silly theatrics to a young audience (ages 5 to 11) in the Northern Irish capital.Later this year, from May 28th until he June 18th, the same show unicorn theater in London.

visual arts

The UK regularly hosts many exhibitions that include works by Dutch artists. Here I would like to highlight some that I find particularly interesting.

  • At the Royal Museum in Greenwich, at the Queen’s House, “The Van de Veldes: Greenwich, Art and the Sea” Open March 2nd. A Dutch painter father and his son Willem van de Velde (elder and younger) arrived in London 350 years ago. Charles II provided his studio space in the Queen’s house in Greenwich. Here they worked and created royal orders, magnificent paintings and tapestries, thousands of detailed sketches, drawings and designs, and now, 350 years after his first arrival in Britain, Queens The house will once again be the home of Van de Verdes.
  • Other famous Dutch painters who will have a major exhibition in London this year are: Piet Mondrian (Tate Modern) and Frans Hals (National Gallery).
  • But let’s not just focus on blockbusters. The Embassy of the Netherlands in the UK is also very proud to support contemporary art galleries around the country that offer young Dutch artists the opportunity to present their work in the UK. for example, icon gallery Birmingham is currently hosting a group exhibition including works by Dutch-based artist Ola Hassanain, and works by Rosalie Wammes can be seen today. south london galleryand tetley in Leeds will host Afra Eisma’s first UK solo exhibition later this year.


This year, various arts organizations in Leeds will be collaborating with Dutch artists. This is the result of the efforts of the Dutch Embassy in relation to the 2023 Leeds Culture Year. One of her first acts on the cultural calendar is a collaboration with Dutch choreographer Gee Jason and Leeds-based dance her crew House of Flava. On Friday 10th February they will hold a workshop together. yorkshire danceIt is part of an ongoing collaboration between Sohn and House of Flava, with more workshops and performances planned for Leeds this year.

Another event that dance lovers should probably already put on their calendars is the stage at the Nederland Dance Theater. Sadler’s Wells (April 19-22, 2023).


From March 8th to 11th, Coronet Theater In London we are showing BLIND by Duda Paiva from the Netherlands. Duda Paiva creates a unique and elusive magical world with her dance partners, puppets sculpted from her flexible form. In her BLIND, Paiva explores her childhood illness that left her temporarily blind.

Another theatrical production we are looking forward to is A Little Life. Harold Pinter Theater Located in the West End of London. The play is directed by Ivo van Hove, a renowned director of the Amsterdam International Theater.


The Dutch Embassy is working with the London College of Fashion and the Dutch Center in London to provide a platform for Dutch and British fashion designers. These designers are using new technologies to create fashion in a much more sustainable way than current standards. this industry. be interested? SIGN UP HERE At this free event on February 21st,


Wigmore Hall is a good place to see and hear classically educated Dutch musicians. The hall tends to program at least half a dozen concerts by Dutch musicians each year.Coming soon to Wigmore Hall Violinist Simone Ramsma (March 27) Pianist Aidan Mikdad (April 26).

Looking for a great jazz night? US-based Dutch drummer Philip Lem and his two bandmates are visiting Japan. Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club On February 23rd, they performed music from their latest album “First Steps”.

Dutch Embassy Support for British Cultural Projects

British cultural organizations wishing to provide a platform for Dutch artists and thereby provide British audiences with access to Dutch culture can apply for financial support from the Dutch Embassy in London.

Find out more about cultural funding from the Dutch Embassy in the UK here. www.netherlandsandyou.nl/uk/culture.

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https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/latest-news/news/2023/02/09/culture-update-dutch-embassy-uk—february-2023 Cultural Update Dutch Embassy UK – February 2023 | News Article

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