
Dutch comedian skit on referendum in Russian-ruled Ukraine goes viral

If you can’t resist the most brazen land grab of this century, at least try to expose its shamelessness and injustice.

That must have been the rationale behind Arjen Lubach’s now viral satirical sketch entitled “Putin’s referendum in Ukraine.” Aired by Dutch public broadcaster VPRO Woensdag, the skit sees the Groningen-born comedian consider the long-standing ties between the two countries as an apparent reaction to Ukraine’s vote to join Russia in Russia’s occupied territories. And then Russia to Holland.

“Historically, Russia belongs to the Netherlands,” explains the number’s female voice in Russian. “The time has come for us to meet again. Our King Willem IV is also your King. In 1816, Anna Pavlovna, daughter of Emperor Paul I, married Willem IV’s father Willem IV. I married a Nisei.” Ostensibly to support this claim, the video shows Willem-Alexander drinking beer with President Putin at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

“Sure, he speaks bad Russian,” continued the accented voice. “But he also speaks bad Dutch. Still, he’s been working well for years.”

Lubach also offered additional arguments that Russia would become part of the Netherlands. , believe me you don’t want to live there,” the skit jokingly followed, showing a typical neighborhood in Voorschoten.

So far, the video has almost 300,000 views on YouTube. It pointed out It garnered much higher viewership on Twitter thanks to the fact that it was reposted by Olaf Koens, RTL News correspondent in the Middle East, by Dagblad van het Noorden.upon Cohen’s accountthe skit has already racked up over 1.2 million hits. Dutch comedian skit on referendum in Russian-ruled Ukraine goes viral

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