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Dutch security officials say Russia and China are growing threats

Photo: DutchNews.nl

Countries such as Russia and China pose increasing threats to the security of the Netherlands, mainly due to international developments such as the war in Ukraine. Dutch security service said Monday.

The Netherlands is an “attractive target for espionage” due to its “underground physical energy network,” “highly developed digital infrastructure,” and high-value expertise in its companies and institutions, it said. the authorities said.

The report was produced by the AIVD, the military security service MIVD, and the counter-terrorism unit NCTV.

According to the report, the Netherlands is increasingly facing threats to its economic security. “Critical processes are fragile,” said NCTV chief Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg. “Don’t underestimate this.” For example, at the end of the summer, gas pipeline nodes He streams 1 and 2 were destroyed.

China is seen as the biggest threat. The country is an important and valued partner to some countries, but there are many ways to properly use technology that the military might use and gain a competitive advantage, both legally and illegally. The report states that they are using

Furthermore, the report says that outside interference forms a threat to the social and political stability of the Netherlands. For example, Russia is using Europe’s dependence on gas to sow the seeds of social unrest, the agencies said.


In March, the Netherlands deported 17 Russian diplomats for spying after information from the AIVD and MIVD security services.

And earlier this month, the NRC reported that the AIVD monitored and tapped former Senate Majority Leader Rene van der Linden’s phone calls.

The newspaper said Van der Linden was “an agent of a Kremlin conspiracy to influence Western public opinion and politicians in favor of Russia”.

The pro-Russian position of the far-right Forum voor Democratie beaten by lawmakers and commentator. Party leader Thierry Baudet has repeatedly said he wants Russia to win the war in Ukraine.

In its response to the report, the Cabinet said it needed to act quickly to offset the threat given the increasingly volatile geopolitical climate.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/russia-and-china-are-an-increasing-threat-dutch-security-services-say/ Dutch security officials say Russia and China are growing threats

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