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Dutch sperm donor faces court, may have 550 children

Photo: Depositphotos.com

A persistent Dutch sperm donor will be brought to court in the coming weeks with a civil suit centered on getting him to quit.

A 41-year-old woman from The Hague has been accused of misleading hundreds of women around the world and may have contributed to the birth of more than 550 children. Donner Kind Foundationbehind the lawsuit, said.

Dutch Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists NVOG warned first In 2017, it was revealed that the musician had at least 102 children in the Netherlands through 10 different clinics.

His name has not been made public by the Dutch press calling him Jonathan M. However, according to 2021, his full name is Jonathan Jakob Meyer. Report of the incident by the New York Times.

Meyer was blacklisted when his excessive donations became public, but continued to donate abroad in Denmark and Ukraine, sometimes using the name Ruud to advertise his services as a donor through a website. CoParent Match, Spendesperma, Kinderwunsch, Onewish, Cyros, and PrideAngel are some of the organizations he used. According to AD.

Eva, a Dutch woman at the center of the trial, had a child with Meyer in 2018.

“It makes me sick to think about how this will affect my child,” she said. “Many mothers have told him he needs to stop, but what So going to court is the only option I have to do to protect my child.

Eva and the Donorkind Foundation now want to stop Meijer’s sperm donation and know exactly which clinic he donated his sperm to. They also want to destroy any of his sperm still in storage unless it is reserved for a woman who already has one of his children.

FOUNDATION PRESIDENT: BECAUSE THE COUNTRY WON’T DO ANYTHING, TAKE ACTION AGAINST THIS MAN Kizuna van der Meer he said“He has a global reach via the internet and does business with large international sperm banks.”

Donor children are difficult to deal with, he said, knowing that their biological fathers had dozens of children and had so many half-brothers and sisters. The possibility of inbreeding is also a concern.


Foundation attorney Marc de Heck said Meyer’s actions were dangerous to the mental and physical health of the donor’s children. De Hek said he broke the agreement with both the clinic and his parents after he did so.

Meijer, who now lives in Kenya, declined to comment on the lawsuit when asked by AD and broadcaster NOS.

It’s not yet clear when the injunction will be heard in court, but details are expected to be revealed in the coming week.


Meanwhile, the Netherlands is working on a central register of sperm donors, changing rules to allow donors to donate sperm to up to 12 women, replacing the current maximum of 25 children, AD said. .

Last year, the Donnerkind Foundation at least 10 doctors Illegally used my own sperm to have children in Holland.

Some high-profile cases involving fertility professionals include: Jan Calverthad 81 children at last count, Jan Wildst Fathers over the age of 47 Yos Beek.

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/03/dutch-sperm-donor-faces-court-may-have-fathered-550-children/ Dutch sperm donor faces court, may have 550 children

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