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Dutch state defends King Willem-Alexander in lawsuit over monarchy

King Willem-Alexander in a stoat robe, April 2013. Photo: Koos Breukel / RVD

Although the king himself was absent, the Dutch government’s personal lawyer and legal adviser traveled to The Hague on Wednesday to defend the monarchy against lawsuits from Republicans who allege that the king’s presence violated fair jurisdiction. appeared in the court of

The Republican organization Republiek first filed a lawsuit two years ago. The group argues that the role of the monarch in the legal system is inconsistent with the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees free and fair trials for Europeans.

“States must provide safeguards against undue influence over other powers,” said Republique lawyer Ewout Jansen, who sits directly below the portraits of King Willem-Alexander in all the country’s courts. He spoke to a panel of three judges.

State lawyers argue that there is a difference between a king as a private person and a king as head of state. “There is no immunity for the king,” said Reimer Veldhuis, the Dutch state prosecutor.

Dutch judges are appointed by the king and must swear allegiance to the king before being appointed. Lawyers must make the same oath before entering the legal profession.

the group wants to end those proceduresand the symbolic appearance of the king throughout the judicial system, including court portraits.

“There are more and more people criticizing the royal family and fewer and fewer supporters,” the group’s president, Floris Muller, said at a press conference after the hearing.

The court is expected to announce its ruling on March 8.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/12/dutch-state-defends-king-willem-alexander-in-lawsuit-over-monarchy/ Dutch state defends King Willem-Alexander in lawsuit over monarchy

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