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DutchNews Podcast: The Blackface Wolf Ban Edition

Eight years after Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, three men were sentenced to life in prison for the murder of 298 passengers and crew. The reality of the ongoing war hit home for Wobke Hoekstra, who had to evacuate a Russian missile while visiting Kyiv. The war is also set to push the Netherlands into recession by the end of the year, but economists are hoping for a recovery in the spring. Even failed to bring light relief, Feyenoord fans are once again ashamed of themselves in Europe. And while one Mondrian painting grabbed the attention of the art world with his €50 million price tag, another turned out to have been hanging in the wrong direction for decades.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2022/11/19/dutchnews-podcast-the-blackface-wolf-ban-edition DutchNews Podcast: The Blackface Wolf Ban Edition

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