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Elementary school tests set to take place this week amid growing criticism

Photo: Jereoen Jumelet ANP

About 180,000 Group 8 primary school students will take a battery of tests this week. This test plays an important role in deciding what kind of secondary school you should go to.

Over the past few weeks, many have attended rehearsals or paid for tutoring by their parents to ensure they get the best possible scores.

However, this year will be the last time I will take the exam in April. Starting next year, tests will become less important and will be taken months earlier before students are told which secondary education stream is right for them.

The aim is to reduce stress for students and increase equality of opportunity at a time of growing concern about the impact of many tests on young lives.

“Schools are judged by results, so they encourage students,” says education researcher Karen Heij. told Telegraaf on tuesday. “Parents push their children because they want them to go to a higher type of school.

Heij doesn’t believe that advancing the test reduces the pressure on students or makes the test less important. And many in the education system say that 12 is too early to decide what kind of school a child should go to.

There are 3 main types voortgezet onderwijs or secondary education in the Netherlands: voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (VMBO), hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs (HAVO), or voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs (VWO). Gymwhich is VWO plus Latin and Greek.

The first is for technical schools that help shape the country’s next generation of engineers and manual workers. Her second of these is for students planning to attend hbo college, and the third and her fourth are for students preparing for college.

In smaller towns, many schools offer multiple streams, while in larger cities such as Amsterdam, most schools offer only one level.

“It’s a complex, formidable system that seems too rigid,” said a parent of a first-grader at VWO near Utrecht. “I know there are transfers between levels, but it seems to be rare.” It’s a little rough to say to

wrong school

Research iterations – for example CPB and SER – Suggests that the Dutch education system is improving inequality Children of parents who never went to college or who speak another language at home are clearly structurally disadvantaged.

Dutch School Council onderweislad We also believe that the system does not give children enough opportunities to reach their potential. In 2021, after three years of mixed ability “bridging classes” in secondary school, we encouraged them to make their choices later.

The secondary school association VO-raad told Dutch News that it also supported postponing the selection process.

“I think it’s frankly ridiculous to determine the trajectory of a child’s life when he’s 12 or 13,” said one North Holland parent. people do not understand which direction to take in life, even in early adulthood.”

s name Parents quoted in this article are known to Dutch News

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/04/primary-school-tests-take-place-this-week-as-criticism-mounts/ Elementary school tests set to take place this week amid growing criticism

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