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Farm where refugees are supposed to live is hit by arson

Close-up of the front of a Dutch fire engine

Photo: Depositphotos.com

A campground farm in Someren, where 450 asylum seekers were scheduled to move next week, was hit by what firefighters say was likely an arson attack.

A fire broke out in one room of a farm southeast of Eindhoven on Wednesday night, causing extensive damage to parts of the building and smoke damage to the rest. No one was in the building at the time.

The local council had planned to hold 450 asylum seekers on the farm for two months, but locals are opposed to the plan. Someren is a mostly rural community with a population of about 20,000.

Council officials will release a statement about the fire later Thursday.

It is not yet clear where the refugees currently live. They have moved around the area and have been sleeping in sports halls and other emergency accommodation for the past few months.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/farm-where-refugees-were-set-to-live-is-hit-by-arson-attack/ Farm where refugees are supposed to live is hit by arson

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