
Farmers plan another tractor protest in The Hague on Thursday

The Farmers Defense Force wants to go to The Hague on Thursday for a demonstration on a tractor. “Tractors are on the front lines of the battle,” FDF foreman Mark van den Oeber said at a meeting of the farmers’ organization in Apeldoorn on Monday evening.

Van den Oeber expects thousands of demonstrators to turn out on Thursday. The foreman of the FDF said, “Motivation is high.” According to him, this also applies to farmers and citizens. House of Representatives Tweede Kamel of the Dutch parliament Collapse of agricultural agreements on that day.

The FDF will leave it up to the demonstrators to decide how to bring the tractors to The Hague. “As long as they get there.” Van den Ober declined to specify where exactly the FDF wanted to demonstrate. Further details have yet to be discussed and should be revealed later this week, he said.

Past tractor protests by farmers have caused serious traffic problems and damage in and around The Hague. As a result, the city allowed only two tractors to a farmers’ rally in Seiderpark in March, banning the rest from entering the city. The police stopped the peasants from entering the Hague on tractors.

The Hague city declined to say how it views the FDF’s plans to return to the city on Thursday with a tractor. A city spokesperson said, “We have not yet received a notice.” “Once we receive it, we will discuss how best to encourage action.”

The city will then discuss whether the tractors will be welcome to the farmers’ protests and how many, the city said. Farmers plan another tractor protest in The Hague on Thursday

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