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Farmers’ protests could cause traffic chaos in The Hague today

A demonstration by the farmers’ organization Farmers Defense Force (FDF) will take place in The Hague today, Thursday 29 June, from 12:00 to 17:00. The FDF has released a program of demonstrations along with a list of speakers, but has not specified a location. Later this afternoon, the House of Representatives will deliberate on the collapsed farm pact.

The group announced yesterday that it would share the location of the protest on Wednesday night, but that has yet to happen. The FDF expects thousands of farmers to join the demonstration and is asking them to come by tractor.

Therefore, traffic disruptions can occur around the Utrechtzebahn (A12), Mariefeld and the city centre.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2023/06/29/possible-traffic-chaos-in-the-hague-today-due-farmers-protest Farmers’ protests could cause traffic chaos in The Hague today

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