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Four Dutch soldiers arrested for possession of hard drugs

Authorities have arrested four members of the Dutch military accused of hard drug possession. The arrest was made by Marekhauser on Thursday, the military branch said.

A survey of men began earlier this year. Two of his soldiers were arrested Thursday morning at his home in the Netherlands. Another was detained and a fourth was arrested in Sint Maarten. More arrests are possible, Malechauzer said.

Authorities did not specify whether the criminal offenses were related to personal time or to the soldiers while they were on duty. did. A Marechoussee spokesperson was contacted by newswire ANP but did not provide further details.

The Arnhem Public Prosecutor’s Office will oversee the ongoing investigation.

https://nltimes.nl/2022/11/10/four-dutch-soldiers-arrested-possession-hard-drugs Four Dutch soldiers arrested for possession of hard drugs

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