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Gemeente  will start the construction of 100 neighbourhood mobility hubs for shared two-wheelers in 2024

To encourage the use of shared two-wheelers and to tackle parking nuisance, The Hague gemeente  will build approximately 100 so-called neighbourhood mobility hubs. These are places where shared two-wheelers  can be parked in clusters. The new hubs will first be located in the city  centre and Scheveningen, followed by similar hubs being constructed in other neighbourhoods. The various neighbourhood organizations and business organizations will be  involved in the plans. Approximately 350,000 euros have been allocated for the construction of the mobility hubs.

Alderman  Robert van Asten: ”We want to keep The Hague accessible, attractive and liveable. Space is limited in our city. That is why we are fully committed to the mobility transition. Partial mobility plays an important role in this. By constructing neighbouring mobility hubs, the use of shared two-wheelers becomes more accessible and we tackle  nuisance at the same time. I am therefore very happy with this development.”


The first mobility hubs are expected to be constructed in early 2024. The mobility hubs will mainly replace car parking spaces, the principle being that the hubs will not be at the expense of space for pedestrians, bicycles or greenery.

Once the neighbourhood mobility hubs have been constructed, the shared two-wheelers will no longer be allowed to be  parked on the pavement. In this way, the gemeente  wants to reduce the parking nuisance caused by shared two-wheelers in the city.

More than 2500 shared two-wheelers

There are currently 6 providers of shared two-wheelers active in The Hague, offering a total of approximately 2,500 vehicles. They clearly meet a need. The gemeente  is also happy with the shared two-wheelers, because they contribute to the desired mobility transition.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2023/09/21/gemeente-will-start-the-construction-of-100-neighbourhood-mobility-hubs-for-shared-two-wheelers-in-2024 Gemeente  will start the construction of 100 neighbourhood mobility hubs for shared two-wheelers in 2024

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