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GemGroReflection becomes low-carbon option for asphalt in Groningen – Northern Times

To help the people of the north work towards their carbon neutral goals, the municipality of Groningen decided to abandon traditional high-carbon production methods and adopt more sustainable We have invested heavily in paving materials.

Gemglo Reflection Became The most sustainable asphalt mix, developed with the latest technology to help reduce the carbon produced during manufacturing while increasing the amount of recycled material.

This includes switching operations from hot mix to warm mix asphalt.

significant advantage

Warm-mix asphalt boasts a wealth of benefits: reduced carbon dioxide emissions, lower construction costs through increased productivity and, importantly, increased life expectancy. They all offer the same quality and performance while ensuring durability and safety on Groningen’s roads.

Manufactured at lower temperatures, the new blends can reduce the use of fossil fuels and energy in the manufacturing process and significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Additionally, unpleasant fumes, odors and vapors during production are minimized, creating a safer environment for workers as well as minimizing risks to local residents.

A key part of the newly developed manufacturing process is the reuse of old asphalt from the existing road network. This new method allows easy and efficient recycling of reclaimed asphalt and inclusion of other recycled secondary content in the mix.

Higher heat resistance means more sustainability

In addition, the new mixture contains a special white aggregate, as light-colored road surfaces are known to cool down when exposed to strong sunlight. “GemGroReflection is lighter than the black asphalt you are used to,” says road expert Ronald Rosman. “When a car wears down on you, you can see the white stones. The surface temperature is 10-15 degrees cooler than black asphalt.”

This greatly increases the deformation stability of the new surface and reduces rutting. Rosman says lowering the temperature can significantly improve deformation stability. “GemGroReflection is expected to last longer than the normal he 15 years, which is due to lower temperatures and less rutting on the road surface,” he explains Rosman. “Everything is very simple. Less rutting means less maintenance, which means less CO2 emissions.”

Improvements follow municipalities effort to become more sustainable. Between 1990 and 2019, Groningen reduced its carbon footprint by 700,000 kilotonnes (or 26%) annually, putting it in a strong position to reach its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. I’m here. Other areas such as waste reduction, cleaner transportation and certification of new sustainable buildings.

https://northerntimes.nl/gemgroreflection-becomes-low-carbon-choice-for-asphalt-in-groningen/ GemGroReflection becomes low-carbon option for asphalt in Groningen – Northern Times

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