
Groningen Politicians Call for Action on Earthquake Compensation – The Northern Times

Groningen hopes that by September at the latest the cabinet will publish an action plan to finally repay the “indebtedness” to the region, which has suffered enormous losses in recent decades due to earthquakes. More money and political attention from The Hague will be needed for at least another 25 years to restore it to its former state, according to all local and state leaders, mayors, aldermen and water administrators. A joint statement was issued. To tellPoliticians across the spectrum united yesterday in Delfzijl to demand urgent action from The Hague.

Unified stance in negotiations with The Hague

The earthquake issue has created a tide of bipartisan political consensus on the urgent need to do more to compensate Groningen for the damage caused by years of gas drilling. The Hague needs to invest far more in the state than in recent years, said a letter sent to the second parliament yesterday.

The wishlist contains mostly general principles. Future negotiations with The Hague will develop more specific requirements. Groningen is betting on a new support package that is “very substantial”. The statement mentions billions of dollars, and the state reportedly doesn’t want to be content with just a few billion euros.

Groningen wish list

  • Compensate for all damage and suffering inflicted on residents
  • Invest in our communities, neighborhoods and villages
  • Invest in secure livelihoods and broader prosperity for future generations
  • Giving direction and confidence to residents
  • Listening to and working with Groningen residents, local authorities, business owners and civil society organizations

following the curse report A statement issued by a parliamentary inquiry committee that accused the government and energy companies of ignoring the risks of gas production in Groningen expresses the belief that the cabinet and parliament are indebted to Groningen. .

Groninger calls for swift action and ‘fair procedure’

Groningen’s management demands, among other things, to “accelerate the pace of damage repair and reinforcement”. The endless legal battles over earthquake damage must stop, they say. A “fair procedure” needs to be put in place so that the thousands of Groninger affected know where they stand.

The suffering inflicted on the people by decades of gas extraction, earthquakes, inconsistent damage repairs and home reinforcement must be fully compensated. In addition, governments should invest heavily in towns, villages and neighborhoods.

Groningen politicians are confident that a meaningful dialogue with the state is possible Considering the conclusion of the parliamentary committee that Groningen Politicians Call for Action on Earthquake Compensation – The Northern Times

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