
Health Insurance Rates to Increase in 2023 – Northern Times

It’s time for Dutch people to receive updates on their health care plans. From November to December, companies adjust premiums (Zog Premise), providing individuals and families with a time frame to review the new terms and fees. Users can decide to continue with their plan or switch to another more convenient plan.

According to the Dutch government, the average monthly premium in 2023 will be €138.11, an increase of about €12 from 2022. Health insurance premiums were expected to rise.Between Princess Doug – When the Minister of Finance proposed the next year’s state budget – the Cabinet estimated that insurance premiums would increase by an average of 11 euros per month. Forecast for 2022 he was 4 euros.

There are several reasons behind the increase. Inflation affects the healthcare industry. The prices of medical equipment and medicines have risen, and so have the salaries of medical professionals. These factors make care more expensive because insurance premiums cover them. In addition, demand for care is increasing while supply is slowly running the latest Health report statusthe Dutch Health Authority (NZa) said the Dutch health system had reached a “tipping point”, with insurers embarking on a process of “mapping the demand for support and care based on the health status of the population”. You have to lead.”

Different Company, Different Rate

Basic insurance is compulsory (Basic Verzekering) in Holland. Although the contents of this package are the same for everyone, the premiums charged by insurance companies may vary. Each year, the government sets the care included in the basic insurance for the following year. People pay a minimum deductible of €385 for most medical care under basic insurance. You can set a higher deductible (up to €885), lower your premium, and add extra care and services to your plan.

Some companies increased their plans by a few euros, while others were up to 18 euros per month. Such a difference arises because insurers can use some of their reserves to dampen the rise. Nearly all companies do, but how much they can (and want) to raise from their reserves varies.

Another change may also affect the monthly premiums paid by users. From 2023, group discounts (up to 5% discount granted by joining a group insurance plan through an employer or sports club) will no longer be allowed for basic insurance, only supplementary care.The Netherlands In 2019, 43% of Dutch people had group insurance, according to the Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

There are online platforms and comparison sites for those who want to shop. Pricewise, Zorgweizer and the Constraint bond.Even low-income people can application medical allowance (swollen feet): The government has increased the maximum monthly benefit to €154 in order to mitigate the impact of rising prices and inflation on people.

in the north

Some health insurance companies operate only in certain parts of the country. De Friesland serves over 600,000 of his policyholders, 57% of whom live in the Friesland region, making him the largest health insurance provider in the northern Netherlands. De Friesland’s basic premium for 2023 is set at €130.95 per month, an increase of 15.6% compared to the 2022 fee. Menzis, a leading provider in the Groningen region, raises the premium of its most popular plan by his 6% (from €133.25 to €141.25).

In the city of Groningen Offers Additional financial assistance for residents who meet certain criteria. As of January 1, 2023, group discounts have been discontinued, the City of Groningen will discontinue group insurance for minimum wage workers. Residents of Groningen can find the best care plan using a postcode-based online comparison tool (Dutch).

Featured image: © rawpixel Health Insurance Rates to Increase in 2023 – Northern Times

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