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Holland officially commemorates abolition of slavery today

The Netherlands will mark Ketty Coty on Saturday, the day slavery was abolished in Suriname and the Caribbean region of the Kingdom. This year’s commemoration also marks the official start of the Past Memorial Year of Slavery, which runs until July 1, 2024.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the virtual abolition of slavery in Suriname and the Dutch Caribbean. His 1st of July, also known as Slave Day, commemorates his two dates in Holland: his 1st July 1863 and his 1st July 1873. The first day marks the official abolition of slavery in Suriname and the former Netherlands Antilles by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. However, it took ten years for the enslaved people to be completely freed from forced labor on Suriname’s plantations.

The National Slavery Day ceremony is held at Oosterpark, Amsterdam’s National Slavery Memorial. King Willem-Alexander made a speech, expected to formally apologize for the Dutch slave trade. Queen Maxima and Prime Minister Mark Rutte will also attend, along with a Cabinet delegation. The memorial service will last from 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm and will be broadcast live on NPO1.

Space will be reserved for a limited number of invited guests during the ceremony. You can watch the memorial ceremony through a screen set up in a large field of the park. Celebration of Katie Coty Held at Museum Square An even higher turnout is expected this year.

Nearly all ministers and secretaries of state are expected to attend the commemoration. Minister Ernst Kuipers (public health) is in Curacao and his colleague Hugo de Jonghe (public housing) is in Bonaire. Minister Rob Jetten (Climate and Energy) and Minister Connie Helder (Long-Term Care) attend the ceremony in Den Bosch.

Minister Wobke Fuchstra will visit Suriname to speak at the National Memorial Ceremony. “This is the first time since independence that the Dutch government has been involved,” said Johan Luther, chairman of the National Slavery Memorial Commission.

For a long time in the Netherlands, the abolition of slavery was commemorated only on a small scale, often in private gatherings. In the 1990s, an Amsterdam committee began organizing annual commemorations, and other cities followed suit.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/07/01/netherlands-officially-commemorates-abolition-slavery-today Holland officially commemorates abolition of slavery today

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